
Health and Wellness Fair

The City of Lansing is sponsoring this event scheduled for August 1, 2024, from 10am – 2pm – on the State Capitol Lawn.  There will be health screenings, immunizations,  exercise techniques, opioid awareness info, community resources available, food and giveaways.

Sunday, August 4th

This coming Sunday we will be accepting the Discretionary Fund offering.  It is also the day we celebrate the August birthdays of our members and friends during Fellowship time.


If you would like to take a more active part in the Worship Service, you are invited to sign up to be a liturgist. You’ll receive a “script” with everything you need several days before the service. The sign-up sheet is on the hall bulletin board.

Pastor Peter's Sermons

We can provide copies of Pastor Peter’s sermons on request. Just call or email the office and give Janis the date of the one you want or the subject. We can email to you or mail a hard copy.

Neighborhood Pantry

Thanks to those of you that put food directly in or send in money so that Judy Hackett can purchase food for the pantry. Pilgrim has been able to put in food most days. Depending on the weather, fresh food such as fruits, vegetables, bread, cheese, yogurt and lunch meats have been purchased. Weather dictates some of the items that are put in.

REMEMBER: Food must have a current use date and purchased from a store. Dated and opened items are removed from the Pantry.