
Lenten Services

March 28 - Maundy Thursday Service 6:30 pm

March 29 - Good Friday Service 3:00 pm

March 31 - Easter Service 10:00 am

Easter Flowers
If you would like to donate an Easter plant in memory of a loved one, please call the office and give Janis the information. Cost is $10.The plants will beautify our sanctuary through the Easter service, and will then be delivered to one of our In-Care Members. (If you are able to help with the delivery, that would be appreciated! Please let Janis know).

Easter Breakfast

We will have an Easter breakfast here at Pilgrim from 8:30 am to 9:15 am Easter morning. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board, or you can call the office.


If you would like to take a more active part in the Worship Service, you are invited to sign up to be a liturgist. You’ll receive a “script” with everything you need several days before the service. The sign-up sheet is on the hall bulletin board.

Neighborhood Pantry

Thanks to those of you that put food directly in or send in money so that Judy Hackett can purchase food for the pantry. Pilgrim has been able to put in food most days. Depending on the weather, fresh food such as fruits, vegetables, bread, cheese, yogurt and lunch meats have been purchased. Weather dictates some of the items that are put in.

REMEMBER: Food must have a current use date and purchased from a store. Dated and opened items are removed from the Pantry.